The advantages of RedsAnt:
1. As a professional energy saving solution provider, RedsAnt has more than ten years experience in China and oversea market.
2. The best workmanship, durability, excellent energy saving
3. RedsAnt provides customized products according to clients' need.
4. RedsAnt guarantees the best price, quality and satisfaction to clients.
Reduce Your Energy Bill - Saving energy saves you money
Whether you're looking to save money, increase workplace comfort, or simply keep your equipment running smoothly, RedsAnt's high temperature thermal insulation tube can help
. Band heaters of plastic injection machines
. Injection dryer/hopper dryer
. Film blowing machine
. Extruders and extruder heads
. Extrusion
. Heater of turbines
. Plastic vacuum forming machine
. Exhausted pipes
. Valve, Pumps, Flange
Material description of high temperature thermal insulation tube:
Sample projects:

Please visit the following webpage to know more about the energy saving effect of injection molding machine with RedsAnt's insulation blankets.
More product information, please visit the company website in English version.
If you are interesting to join or agent of our products, please feel free to contact us.